When did I become a woman? When did my hips become so curvy? When did I grow up? How did I get here, am I really here? Continue reading →
The Spirit and Magic of Christmas
Many of you know that each year at Christmas Sun and I try to collect funds to give a baskets of food and presents for those who are not able to afford one during the Christmas season. However many of you may not know the reasoning behind this or you may think it is just a “nice charitable” thing to do. Continue reading →
Christ Came to Fulfill the Law
I have wondered in the past if the “grace message” is the blame of all the compromise that I see. However the only way that could possibly be the fact would be because of ineptness of ministers to truly minister via the Holy Spirit the full heart of the grace message. Grace is an amazing thing, and it is a gift given to the New church, to those us so lucky to live in the generations after Christ death on the cross. The blood of Jesus has provided more then we will ever comprehend in this small faceted dimension that we find ourselves presently in. Continue reading →
My wonderful talented sister-in-love Elise Lea!
A few years ago we were sitting on the couch and received a phone call from our brother. He was considering bringing a girl home to meet the family, since this involved traveling across the ocean to a tiny volcanic island we knew this was a pretty big deal. He prepared Elise with great detail I am sure about all the odditys of us all (I like us all a little quirky, it works for us) And of course he prepared us with great diligence about Elise. He wanted everything to be perfect and for the first meeting to be wonderful, for good reason to, he was not bringing home a girl to meet his family, he was bringing home his brand new fiance to meet us! Continue reading →
Household Chores
As a homeschooling mama we have found that there is an education in every task that must be done. Chores have been a part of life in our home for awhile. However things like brushing teeth, picking up toys have become personal responsibilities and not chores. Continue reading →
Proverbs 18:21
Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Montserrat is undergoing a major transitional phase. The volcano here has been in an steady eruption phase for more than fifteen years! Thankfully we have enjoyed almost three years of silence from the mountain.
An update on our daughter Autumn Grace
Dear friends,
We wanted to give everyone an update on our little bundle that came to be with us January of this year.
Exercising and Growing your Faith Actively
We have multiple opportunities each day to practice our faith, but how many of us take them? As we take the time to ask the Holy Spirit to direct our paths each day, even with the small decisions: ie what should I eat for breakfast, what should I wear today, How can I be a blessing today, what should be the order of my day…. Continue reading →
A New Year
Over the last few months I have had a goal of living life with as little stress as possible and Trusting God in everything. It seems so easy when you say it, but then when you just finished cleaning your house and your wonderful sons track mud through the entire place and company is supposed to arrive in the next 15 minutes! That is when your stress level is really tested. Continue reading →
The Nativity Story – Movie Review
I hope this post finds everyone doing well and enjoying the holiday season!
This year we watched The Nativity Story and it moved me. I had not seen the movie before, it came out in 2006 and I just figured what could be great about the movie and it was probably low budget and lacked quality… Boy was I wrong! Continue reading →