Tag Archives: Women


This Body


My head, face, hair, arms, legs, torso, stomach, all combine to make the wonderful curves of a woman and a mother.

What was once voluptuous and beautiful became a home for nine months creating more curves and beauty. The belly grew, the hips widened to make room for this incredible gift that was placed with in me.

Each passing week the skin stretched and became more beautiful, shiny, globe like object right there for all who passed by to look upon. Continue reading →




The Soul Surfer movie has brought up some discussion on various Christian forums in regards to modesty and has sparked a discussion between my husband and myself.

I know there are different levels of what some women and men consider to be modest. Some feel it is only modest to be in a tunic covered head to toe with the eyes showing only, then there is the other extreme where you can talk to a sixteen year old girl brought up and raised in the church feeling she is being modest practically living in a bikini or the French women who thinks she is perfectly modest on the topless beach. Continue reading →